The Family Empowerment Program

The Family Empowerment Program developed by the National Black Child Development Institute builds the capacity of parents as leaders of their families. Through the program, families are fully equipped to build the capacity of their children as learners and effectively advocate for them from birth through college. The program was developed to guide and coach parents and caregivers through a strengths based lens and honors cultural and linguistic strengths of families.
Additionally, the Family Empowerment Program is:
Culturally Responsive: infuses the social-cultural context of families lived experiences
Culturally Relevant: builds on families identified needs
Trauma Sensitive: takes a holistic approach to building the capacity of families – educates families on brain development, toxic stress,
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the importance of building resiliency and developing protective factors in children and their families
Aligned with current research and best practices
Developmentally appropriate and two-generational: builds the capacity of parents and their children
Designed with feedback from families
Action-oriented and connects families with local resources